Sin Pressive

Have a look at my content on FFXIV
Gposes - Poses - Gpose studios

Poses uploaded on XMA
(click for the download page)

· Studio 1 : Famfrit (Primal) - Mist Ward 12 Plot 29· Studio 2 : Famfrit (Primal) - Mist Ward 8 Plot 4· Studio 3 : Sagittarius (Chaos) - Lavender Beds Ward 14 Plot 9· Next adresses :> Ragnarok (Chaos) - Goblet Ward 24 Plot 11> Sagittarius (Chaos) - Lavender Beds Ward 8 Plot 30> Twintania (Light) - Goblet Ward 28 Plot 41> Coeurl (Crystal) - Goblet Ward 28 Plot 44

I can come to any European, North American and Australian (ARR) Data Center.


NSFW pictures

Solo model Gpose = 300k gils
Adding 1 model = 250k gils
Adding 1 minion = 100k gils
Adding 1 monster = variable

Solo model Gpose = 400k gils
Adding 1 model = 350k gils

Own presets available
for the pictures

(Most are situational)
